Spiceweb Forum Demo :: Forum Statistics

Spiceweb Forum Demo Forum Statistics

General Statistics
Total Users: 5   Latest Member: Perry_Brennan
Total Messages: 1   Total Subjects: 1   Total Sections: 1   Total Categories: 2
Today Open: 0   Yesterday Open: 0   Today Total Answer: 0   Yesterday Total Answer: 0

Most Popular Topics

# Subject   Posts
1 Welcome to Kunena! 1

Most Active Posters

# Username   Posts
1 perry@brennans.net.au 1

Most Viewed User Profiles

# Username   Hits
1 perry@brennans.net.au 844
2 Perry_Brennan 839
3 mickey1 730
4 test1 703
5 ronald 689

Who Is Online

Total users online: 0 Members and 32 Guests Online
Legend:  Site Administrator Global Moderator Moderator Banned User Guest
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